This piece is a take on the 21st century woman who's severely restricted by today's society. She is forced to conform to life's pressures hiding behind make up, hair extensions and body alterations in order to be accepted and not deemed as invisible. To feel beautiful, sexy, appreciated and loved. The 21st century woman doesn't want to hide her true self anymore. The vibrant colours represent her natural beauty which is bursting through the chains of society and the spirals signify the obstacles she encounters on a daily basis.
And the Meandering lines signify her sexual journey as she goes through her transition to change. She embodies the Geometric energy pattern of the planet as she goes through life learning new things about herself. With guidance of the Universe and her inner self.

While creating this piece I was able to connect with my source, this allowed the creativity to flow naturally. I call it a freestyle manifestation of flow. When I look at her sometimes, I ask myself did I really do it and how did I do it? It goes to show when you let go and just flow with the energy, incredible things happen.

Year: 2013

Size: 175.26 x 70cm

Medium: Fibre Glass and Synthetic Wool

Technique: Wool Bonding